Short Shorts

The shortness of the shorts  

Is their allure

Awakens curiosity

Creates awareness and induces exploration

Emphasizes the intensity—urgency

Gives revelation

A fleeting glance

At life—real life

Holds our attention long enough to cause us to question

To go further . . .

A moment in time








Cut short



I ask myself

Do I remember correctly

Has my mind already distorted the truth

To put myself at ease

To avoid having to go within to that deep dark place called self-revelation, admittance, avoidance . . .

Are the shorts short because further exploration would be too painful

Or do they leave an open end for another to insert their emotions, reactions, explanations, fixes?

We are seldom meant—mostly unable—to put the pieces back together in anyone’s life—it is their life. But might we be able to give a spark of hope, give some sense of encouragement, and walk alongside, if only to (re)gain a sense of control. 

We are always meant to give respect because we cannot begin to imagine the dark valleys that have been trodden, the hopelessness, despair . . .

Listen to the story, their story—once you have earned the right to hear it; it is not your right to make the first move.

Listen . . . and learn.